The Client Experience
What you can expect when you work with Piercefield Oliver
In this 3 part series, former BBC Broadcaster and award-winning speaker, Penny Haslam and her husband Steve Blears discuss their experience of going through the Piercefield Oliver Financial Planning process.
The Client Experience
What you can expect when you work with Piercefield Oliver
In this 3 part series, former BBC Broadcaster and award-winning speaker, Penny Haslam and her husband Steve Blears discuss their experience of going through the Piercefield Oliver Financial Planning process.
Our Mission –
‘To help people achieve their life’s goals by thinking ahead today’
We will provide you with financial advice of the highest standard. We will ensure that you can face the financial future confidently, without fear or trepidation. We will treat you as a person. We will work together to design a financial plan that takes into account your life circumstances and individual goals.
We will treat everyone as people, not as transactions
We will build a relationship with you first
We will engage with your individual needs
We will provide all our information in language that is easy to read and understand
We will employ people that fully embrace our vision of being fair and friendly
We understand that financial planning is for the long-term
We will take the time to get to know you and those people around you that are involved in your financial planning
We will be clear about our fees for the advice and service that we provide to you – We do not sell you financial products to pay for our time
We will allow everyone to make their decisions in their own time - we will never hurry you into making a decision
Our Mission –
‘To help people achieve their life’s goals by thinking ahead today’
We will provide you with financial advice of the highest standard. We will ensure that you can face the financial future confidently, without fear or trepidation. We will treat you as a person. We will work together to design a financial plan that takes into account your life circumstances and individual goals.
We will treat everyone as people, not as transactions
We will build a relationship with you first
We will engage with your individual needs
We will provide all our information in language that is easy to read and understand
We will employ people that fully embrace our vision of being fair and friendly
We understand that financial planning is for the long-term
We will take the time to get to know you and those people around you that are involved in your financial planning
We will be clear about our fees for the advice and service that we provide to you – We do not sell you financial products to pay for our time
We will allow everyone to make their decisions in their own time - we will never hurry you into making a decision
Our six-step process:
Let’s take a look at our six-step process, which is personalised at every stage. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach here – we take the time to get to grips with your needs, helping you to achieve your aims and ambitions.
A little more about how it works:
Watch the videos below to find out more about cashflow planning and how our secure portal works for the fact-finding stage.
And in return, we would like from you...
Be as open as possible when discussing your priorities and goals.
Complete forms accurately, to ensure that our advice properly reflects your financial and planning needs.
Call and talk to us if anything changes or whenever you feel the need for support or advice.
Meet with us within the agreed time scales to ensure that we are delivering the very best advice to you.
If you feel our agreed standards are not being met then please contact us and we will respond to your concerns within 48 hours.
And in return, we would like from you...
Be as open as possible when discussing your priorities and goals.
Complete forms accurately, to ensure that our advice properly reflects your financial and planning needs.
Call and talk to us if anything changes or whenever you feel the need for support or advice.
Meet with us within the agreed time scales to ensure that we are delivering the very best advice to you.
If you feel our agreed standards are not being met then please contact us and we will respond to your concerns within 48 hours.
Book your free 30 minute consultation
Let us help you achieve your life goals by thinking ahead today...
Book your free 30 minute consultation
Let us help you achieve your life goals by thinking ahead today...